
Naples Periodontist's Articles

Give Heart Disease The Brush Off

Did You know that heart disease is the leading cause of death among American women? That’s right! Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do to reduce your chances of heart disease or heart attack. There is no better time to than during the month of February—designated American Heart Month—than to learn how you can give heart disease the brush off.

4 Oral Health Tips From Dr. Davis

Like most Americans, you probably resolved to make healthier choices this year. Eating right and exercising will do a lot to promote your overall health, but you shouldn’t stop there. Making these four small changes to your routine can also improve your oral health, which in turn can help prevent gum disease and even cardiovascular disease. Now that’s something to smile about!

Dental Implants Are Appropriate For Any Age

As you climb the ladder of years, your oral health can become a greater concern. Teeth can become damaged or need to be extracted. Commonly, dental patients wonder if they are too old to make dental implants a worthwhile and effective solution but age is not a determining factor. Overall health is a much better predictor of whether dental implants are the right choice for a patient.

Foods That May Help To Prevent Gum Disease

Berries are a delicious treat, and one that we don’t have to feel guilty about eating. In fact, studies now show that eating blackberries may play a role in preventing and treating gum disease. It has been previously shown that natural blackberry extract is also associated with blocking the spread of cancer cells. Blackberries have higher antioxidant capacity than blueberries, raspberry, red currant and strawberries. But don’t toss the other berries out the window; strawberries and green vegetables have also been shown to reduce the chance of oral cancer.