
From the monthly archives: October 2023

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Why Are Abutments Needed In Dental Implant Procedures?

An abutment is one part of a dental implant in Naples, FL that connects the dental implant post to the tooth crown (prosthesis). Whether people need to restore their smile with one dental implant or full mouth dental implants, the abutment plays a crucial role in ensuring the success and longevity of the dental implant.   Ready to learn more about why abutments are needed in dental implant procedures. Continue reading to find out more about why abutments are a necessary part of dental implants. The Reasons Why Abutments Are Needed In Dental Implant Procedures An abutment is an essential part of a dental implant in Naples, FL for numerous reasons. Once the dental implant post is strategically and securely placed in the patient’s jawbone, and the abutment is placed on top of it, the abutment ensures the stability and durability of the dental implant. With the abutment securely placed, it will be able to withstand the pressure that is used when people are chewing and speaking post ...

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Does Gingivitis Lead To Periodontitis?

Gum disease in Naples, FL, also known as periodontal disease, is when the tissues that surround and support teeth become infected and inflamed. When people have gum disease, it is primarily caused by bacterial plaque, a sticky, colorless film that constantly forms on teeth. The mildest form of gum disease is gingivitis. Without effective treatment of gingivitis, however, it can progress to periodontitis, a more severe form of gum disease.   Interested in learning more about how gingivitis leads to periodontitis? Continue reading to learn more about how gingivitis can lead to periodontitis. How Does Gingivitis Lead To Periodontitis? While gingivitis, the earliest form of gum disease in Naples, FL, can be prevented and treated, once it progresses to periodontitis it can only be managed, not cured. Specifically, gingivitis can lead to periodontitis through a progressive process that begins with the buildup of bacterial plaque on the teeth.   If left untreated, the bacteria in this pla ...

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