
From the monthly archives: March 2023

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Is Gum Disease Preventable?

  By taking good care of their gums and teeth, people can ensure their oral health and overall health remain in good shape. However, when people are experiencing gum disease symptoms, they may be at risk for serious systemic conditions such as diabetes, dementia, and even cardiovascular disease. Luckily, gum disease in Naples, FL is preventable. Continue reading to learn more about how people can prevent themselves from getting gum disease.   How Can I Prevent Myself From Getting Gum Disease In Naples, FL?   Excessive growth of bacteria and plaque in the mouth, that is not immediately treated, can cause gum disease. The symptoms associated with gum disease include swollen gums, tooth pain and discomfort, and bad breath and odor. If left untreated, the symptoms of gum disease can get progressively worse.   With regular professional teeth cleanings, brushing teeth and gums daily at home, and maintaining a healthy diet that limits sugary foods and beverages, it can al ...

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By Getting Dental Implants, Can I Avoid Jawbone Resorption?

  When people have one or more missing teeth that are left untreated, several issues can affect their oral and even overall health. One key issue that comes with having missing teeth is jawbone tissue loss and resorption. Jawbone loss and resorption can lead people to have a sunken in appearance in their face and jaw area. Additionally, having missing teeth is linked with increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease and even memory loss. Fortunately, when people replace their missing teeth with dental implants in Naples, FL, they can remedy their tooth loss issues. With dental implants, patients can avoid experiencing jawbone resorption and achieve a great new smile!   How Do Dental Implants In Naples, FL Keep Jawbone Tissue Healthy And Dense? Having missing teeth in the jawbone results in a lack of stimulation and blood flow to the affected areas. This leads to no nutrients getting to the jawbone, causing the jaw to reabsorb the bone tissue. This can cause the face to appear ...

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