Implant supported dentures in Naples, FL, also known as overdentures, are a restorative tooth replacement option. Unlike traditional dentures that rest on the gums, implant supported dentures are supported by and attached to dental implants — typically titanium posts surgically fixed in the patient’s jawbone.  There are various factors that can determine a person's candidacy for implant supported dentures. Continue reading to learn more about what makes people candidates for implant supported dentures.  What Makes Me A Candidate For Implant Supported Dentures In Naples, FL? Ideal candidates for implant-supported dentures are individuals who have lost most or all of their teeth, but still have enough jawbone density to support the dental implants. People should also be in good general health, as surgery is required to place the dental implants. Those with chronic diseases, like diabetes or heart disease, may need to get treated with additional procedures before ...