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Gum Disease

Who Needs A Scaling And Root Planing Procedure?

Scaling and root planing in Naples, FL is a proven and reliable nonsurgical way to treat gum disease. Chronic gum disease is successfully controlled by scaling and root planing procedures. All the plaque and tartar is scraped away from the teeth and then scaling is performed above and below the gum line, all the way down to the periodontal pocket. Curious to learn more about who exactly needs a scaling and root planing procedure? Continue reading to learn more about who needs a scaling and root planing procedure.   How To Know Who Needs A Scaling And Root Planing Procedure Individuals who may be candidates for scaling and root planing in Naples, FL have gum disease (periodontal disease). A scaling and root planing procedure is recommended when a patient has deep periodontal pockets, indicative of significant plaque and tartar build-up beneath the gumline, which cannot be remedied by regular brushing and flossing alone. People who have persistent bad breath, red or swollen gums, bleed ...

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Do I Have Gum Disease?

    Gum disease in Naples, FL, also known as periodontal disease, is a prevalent oral condition affecting the tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth. It begins with bacterial growth in the patient's mouth and, if not promptly and effectively treated, could lead to tooth loss due to the destruction of the tissue that surrounds the teeth. There are a number of reasons why people will know they have gum disease. Curious to know about the specific reasons why people will know they have gum disease? Continue reading to learn more about how people know they have gum disease. How You Will Know You Have Gum Disease In Naples, FL There are a number of ways people will know they have gum disease. The following are the specific ways people will know they have gum disease: Tooth Brushing Causes Gums To Bleed: When people’s gums bleed during or after they brush their teeth, it is a sign that they have gum disease. Healthy gums usually don't bleed during regular b ...

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Does Gingivitis Lead To Periodontitis?

Gum disease in Naples, FL, also known as periodontal disease, is when the tissues that surround and support teeth become infected and inflamed. When people have gum disease, it is primarily caused by bacterial plaque, a sticky, colorless film that constantly forms on teeth. The mildest form of gum disease is gingivitis. Without effective treatment of gingivitis, however, it can progress to periodontitis, a more severe form of gum disease.   Interested in learning more about how gingivitis leads to periodontitis? Continue reading to learn more about how gingivitis can lead to periodontitis. How Does Gingivitis Lead To Periodontitis? While gingivitis, the earliest form of gum disease in Naples, FL, can be prevented and treated, once it progresses to periodontitis it can only be managed, not cured. Specifically, gingivitis can lead to periodontitis through a progressive process that begins with the buildup of bacterial plaque on the teeth.   If left untreated, the bacteria in this pla ...

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What Causes Gum Recession?

    Gum recession in Naples, FL, also known as gingival recession, refers to the process in which the margin of the gum tissue surrounding the teeth wears away, or pulls back, exposing more of the tooth or its root. This condition can lead to gaps or "pockets" between the teeth and gum line, making it easy for disease-causing bacteria to build up. If left untreated, gum recession can lead to severe dental problems, such as tooth loss.   There are numerous ways gum recession can be caused. Continue reading to learn in more detail about what causes gum recession.   What Causes Gum Recession In Naples, FL There are several factors that can contribute to the development of gum recession. Here are the main ones: Poor Dental Hygiene: Irregular or improper brushing and flossing can lead to plaque build-up, which can eventually turn into tartar—a hard substance that can cause gum recession. Aggressive Tooth Brushing: Brushing teeth too hard ...

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What Happens During A Scaling And Root Planing Procedure?

  Over time, if people don’t perform proper dental hygiene habits every day, then food particles can get trapped in their teeth and gums, causing plaque and tartar buildup. Over time, this can lead to people developing gum disease. Fortunately, scaling and root planing in Naples, FL can be performed to treat the patients gum disease. Continue reading to learn more about what happens during a restorative scaling and root planing procedure.   The Procedure Process For Scaling And Root Planing In Naples, FL? A person’s oral health is a key predictor and reflection of their overall health. If harmful toxins produced by bacteria, due to poor dental hygiene, spreads, gums could become infected, resulting in gum disease. If these toxins enter the person’s bloodstream, then they are at increased risk of systemic conditions such as heart disease, strokes, and diabetes. Scaling is used to remove plaque and tartar buildup from the surface of the patient’s teeth, and b ...

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Who Are Candidates For Scaling And Root Planing Procedures?

  Candidates for scaling and root planning in Naples, FL have gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. When people are determined, by a skilled and knowledgeable dental professional, to be candidates for a scaling and root planing procedures, then they should go get it accurately and predictably performed so that way they can restore the look and function of their smile for years to come.        What Determines My Candidacy For Scaling and Root Planing In Naples, FL?   Candidates for scaling and root planing have bacteria in the gum tissue that can lead to gum disease or gingivitis. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, can seriously impact people’s overall health if it is left untreated. Harmful bacteria that’s trapped inside the spaces or pockets between gum and bone tissue in people’s teeth can produce toxins that result in the classic symptoms of gum disease, including red, inflamed, swollen, painful, and tender gums. ...

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Can I Detect Signs And Symptoms Of Gum Disease?

Oral health can have a huge impact on people’s overall health. This is why keeping a clean and healthy mouth is so important. By keeping the gums and teeth free of harmful bacteria or plaque buildup, people can avoid getting gum disease in Naples, FL. Gum disease, however, cannot always be avoided. There are many signs and symptoms that that can help people detect when they have gum disease. Here are the ways people can detect gum disease.   What Is Gum Disease In Naples, FL, And How Can I Detect It?   When people develop harmful bacteria or plaque buildup in their mouth, the excessive growth of these agents can lead to harmful toxin production that could be released into their bloodstream. This can lead to people developing gum (periodontal) disease.     Gum disease symptoms include, but are not limited to, gums swelling, tooth pain, loose teeth, dental discomfort, gum recession, and bad breath. If left unmanaged, gum disease can lead to many systemic health il ...

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What Is Gingivits Vs Periodontitis?

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is the most common type of oral health problem. It's caused when plaque, a sticky film that forms on teeth and gums, builds up in a patient’s mouth. This can cause toothaches, difficulty chewing, bad breath, and even more serious problems like tooth loss or infection. Periodontal disease can progress from gingivitis to periodontitis in Naples, FL. If left untreated, periodontal disease can lead to other health problems, including systemic issues such as stroke, diabetes, and heart disease, all of which are potentially fatal. This is why it's important for patients to get it fixed by a dental professional as soon as possible have good oral and overall health. This blog goes over what gingivitis is, versus what periodontitis is.   What Are The Symptoms Of Gingivitis And How Do they Affect Me? According to the American Dental Association, Gingivitis is a “reversible” inflammation of the gums that, if left untreated, ca ...

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What Are The Chances of Dental Implants Causing Gum Disease?

Do you have missing teeth and are looking for a way to fill in any gaps so that you can smile big and wide again? Dental implants might be the right choice for you! Have you heard horror stories about dental implants being involved with gum disease and that has deterred you from wanting to get implants? Let’s take a look further to see what the causes of gum disease are. A dentist in Naples, FL might recommend alternatives if your gums aren’t health enough to support the dental implant.   Gum Diseases: An Overview Two of the most common gum diseases are gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is a bacterial infection causing inflammation of the gums, which can turn into periodontitis if left untreated. A small space called a sulcus is the area where your gums attach to the bottom portion of your teeth. The space is large enough for food and plaque to get stuck in there causing an infection in your gums. If you do not get your gums checked or treated, gingivitis can cause a ...

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Gum Disease And The Development Of Systemic Diseases

When it comes to gum disease and the development of it, there are quite a few risks. However, for the purpose of this article will be discussing the 7 major risks of gum disease development in Naples, FL. To be more specific, there is a direct link between your oral health and your overall health. Meaning that the development of gum disease can lead to the development of major health concerns. It has been proven that these seven systemic diseases below that affect overall health are related to having gum disease:   Stroke Heart Disease  Diabetes Erectile dysfunction Alzheimer’s disease Respiratory infections Pre-term low birth weight   Understanding the Links Between Gum Disease and Health Risks As far as the link between gum disease and health risks is concerned it’s highly important to understand how negative oral health can lead to negative overall health. The initial stage of gum disease would be gingivitis and when you have gingivitis essentia ...

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